Click storage Live CD/DVD and lick the optical drive image and choose the same iso image you built the system with.
Press okay. I needed to reboot to make the dvd visibl. Your mileage may vary.
Click back into the system and log in to system as student
I usually arrange the desktop at this time.
sudo to root
Note the DVD is visible
Back to our root session.
cd into the dvd
cd Packages (there are a lot)
mkdir -p /var/www/html/repo
This is preparation for a web/httpd based repository to service the environment
createrepo /var/www/html/repo
cd /etc/yum/repo.d
cp CentOS-Base.repo local.repo
mv C* /root/ #get them out of the picture they annoy me. They make yum act silly.
Enable local.repo as shown above.
Checking that the repo provides the minimum needs.
Install a httpd server
yum -y install httpd
Now install the IPA ldap server that will be needed for user integration questions.
Some time passes and the install completes.
Next: ipa-server-install
Answer the BIND question no <enter>
<enter an easy to remember password> Security is of little concern here.
Lets add a couple of users with the ipa user-add command.
Set the password with ipa passwd ldapuser1
Next get the firewall rules in place.
Fix the inbound firewall for the LDAP services.
We are going to install
Samba and NFS and make basic firewall rules for it because this kind of integration is reported to be on most RHCSA exams.
We will modify this section and set up back end configuration as needed as we run through questions.
Samba first:
Samba is taken care of
Check service status
Firewall commands
We install common NFS services.
check the firewall with nmap
yum -y install nmap
nmap localhost
This link may prove helpful in preparing the practice ipa-server for the exercise.